Harmony Day - Tues 12 March

Harmony Day – Tuesday 12 March

Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect, and a sense of belonging for everyone. In Australia, we are proud of our strong and successful multicultural society. Sharing our cultural heritage is part of celebrating what it means to be Australian.

We encourage students to come dressed in mufti with a touch of orange or a costume from their country of origin to school on Tuesday 12 March. During the day, the school will celebrate our diversity through a range of classroom activities, and in a special assembly featuring our school leaders who will share the message of inclusion and belonging. 

There is no need for students to bring in a gold coin.

Come dressed in mufti with a touch of orange or wear your national costume on Tuesday 12 March.

Beauty Point Public School
Address: 17 Medusa Street Mosman NSW 2088
Phone: 02 9969 4260
Email: beautypt-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: beautypt-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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